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Gone Gone Beyond Tickets

Gone Gone Beyond Concert Tickets

Gone Gone Beyond tickets are perfect for anyone that likes concerts by bands that are influenced by a variety of genres. Gone Gone Beyond is a four-piece band that has been putting out music since 2016 after David Block introduced the other three members to each other through his collaboration project, called The Human Experience. Beside Block, the group consists of Danny Musengo, Mel Semé, and Kat Factor. Their sound is described as folk-Americana with dashes of soul, jazz, and electronica. They have played for massive crowds around the world, including performances at some of the biggest music festivals and events like Red Rocks, the UN General Assembly and Coachella. They have received glowing praise from many publications, like Atwood Magazine calling their 2021 full-length album “An expression completely of its own. Genre-less, spiritual music with four lead singers. We feel it’s the most honest and heartfelt capture of what these spirits sound like together. It’s a perfect representation of the collective.”

Gone Gone Beyond has an extensive discography that includes a 2021 EP, called Another World, as well as multiple singles and albums. They have put out several full-length albums throughout the years, like 49 Bogart in 2016, Things Are Changing in 2019, and 2030 in 2021. They have established a large and loyal fanbase that covers all corners of the globe, with more than 34,000 followers and over 570,000 monthly listeners on Spotify. Several of their songs have amassed millions of plays on the streaming platform, like “Little Moon” at more than 3.5 million streams and “Coast” at over 4.5 million streams. To sing along to their hits in person, purchase Gone Gone Beyond tickets today.

How much are Gone Gone Beyond tickets?

There is a noticeable difference in Gone Gone Beyond tour tickets between each of the shows. These prices go up and down depending on the size of the venue and where each seat is located. Prices are sure to be higher for VIP upgrades than a standard general admission ticket.

Gone Gone Beyond tickets to live shows in major cities like New York are typically the most expensive option and can cost over $200 per ticket. Concerts in smaller cities like Minneapolis are generally more affordable. Review Gone Gone Beyond's tour schedule to compare ticket prices for an upcoming show near you.

Gone Gone Beyond Tour Dates & Concert Schedule

Gone Gone Beyond tours across the country with stops all over the United States. Right now, the Gone Gone Beyond 2024 concert schedule doesn't have any upcoming shows lined up.

Country artists like Gone Gone Beyond perform at venues across the country and fans can catch exciting festivals too like the Stagecoach Festival, in Indio, Calif., Country Thunder in Iowa, Florida, and Wisconsin or Country USA at Ford Festival Park in Oshkosh, Wisc. TicketSmarter makes it easy with our event calendar located at the top of each performer page. This helpful tool showcases all the upcoming tour dates.

Whether performing at a venue on the Country Megaticket or the Grand Ole Opry, our website makes sure you'll be the first to know. The Gone Gone Beyond concert schedule links directly to our seating chart, making it easy to buy tour tickets and find great prices.

When do Gone Gone Beyond tickets go on sale?

TicketSmarter should be your first spot to find Gone Gone Beyond concert tickets. We list seats for all upcoming tour dates right after concert schedules are released. And, you will never need a presale code on our website. Our sellers will list their inventory before the public on sale from the ticket office in most cases.

Songs from the Gone Gone Beyond Tour Setlist

Gone Gone Beyond's setlist while performing in Indianapolis , IN at “Holliday Park” included the following songs:

  1. Gravity
  2. Things are changing
  3. Canyons
  4. She Just Can't Help But Shine
  5. Lost in America
  6. By the sea
  7. Riptide
  8. Another Earth
  9. Little Moon
  10. Don't Give Up Little Sister
  11. Coast
